How can I get a receipt for my Epic Games purchase?

You can sign in to your Epic Games account and resend a receipt for real-money purchases you made. The receipt is resent to the email associated with your Epic Games account. Free offers, those that are not just temporarily free, do not generate a receipt upon purchasing.

If you made a real-money purchase through one of our partners (such as Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, or Sony), please contact them directly to get a receipt.

To resend a receipt

  1. Please sign in to your Epic Games account using the link below: (Opens in a new tab)
  2. Under PURCHASE, you will see your transactions arranged from most recent to oldest.
  3. Scroll down to locate the purchase you want a receipt for.
    • If it is not on the list, click SHOW MORE below the page to load older purchases.
  4. Click the DESCRIPTION for that purchase.
  5. Click Email Receipt.
    Email Sent… displays if the receipt was resent successfully.
  6. Check your email inbox for your receipt.

If you don’t receive the email after a few minutes, please check your spam and bulk folders.

Notes: For some payment methods, Epic’s payment processing partners will help issue the receipt, please contact the corresponding payment partners for receipts. See more details about the payment methods here (Opens in a new tab).

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