How do I link my Steam account to my Epic Games account?

To link your Steam account to your Epic Games account, follow the steps below:

  1. Before you begin, make sure you have the following:
    • The sign-in information for the Steam account you want to connect to your Epic Games account.

    • A computer or mobile device with an internet connection.

  2. Open a browser and go to

  3. On the top-right of the site, click the Sign in button
    Note: If you do not see a Sign in button, click the avatar at the top of the screen and click Sign Out to ensure you are not signed into the wrong account. Once logged out, click the Sign in button.
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  4. Use your Epic Games login info to sign in to the Epic Games account you would like to link to your Steam account.
    Note: If you are a child and your parent hasn't helped you set up your account, you may have a Cabined Account with different features. Learn more about Cabined Accounts.
  5. In the top-right of the screen, click your avatar
  6. In the drop down menu that appears, click Account
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  7. On the left panel, click Apps & Accounts
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  8. Click on the Connect button for Steam
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  9. A new window will appear. Sign in using your Steam sign-in information
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  10. Steam will send you a code and ask you to input that code for security purposes.
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  11. Once you have successfully signed in, you will be asked if you want to authorize Epic Games to access your Steam. Click Authorize.
    Steam connect.png
  12. A success message will appear. Click Continue.
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  13. You will be brought back to your Apps and Accounts page where you will see your Steam account has been connected.
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