How do I promote my Xbox account to a full Epic Games account?

  1. Before you begin, make sure you have the following:
    • Sign-in information for the Xbox account you want to connect to your Epic Games account. Check on your Xbox to confirm it’s the correct account you want to connect.

    • An email address that is not currently linked to an Epic Games account

    • A computer or mobile device with an internet connection

  2. Make sure you are following the correct process. The steps below are to be followed if you do not currently have an Epic Games account and you would like to promote the account you have on your Xbox to a new Epic Games account. If you already have an Epic Games account and you are looking to connect your Xbox account to your existing Epic Games account, please follow the instructions in How do I link my Xbox account to my Epic Games account?
  3. Check that you are not currently logged in any Xbox/Microsoft or Epic Games account

  4. Open a browser (in incognito mode if possible) on your computer or mobile device and go to

  5. On the top-right of the site, click the Sign in button
    Note: If you do not see a Sign in button, click the avatar at the top of the screen and click Sign Out to ensure you are not signed in to the wrong account. Once signed out, click the Sign in button.
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  6. Click on the Xbox Logo
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  7. A Microsoft/Xbox Sign in window will appear

  8. Enter your Xbox sign-in details. Be sure to use the account information for the correct Xbox account.

  9. You will be asked if you would like to let the Epic Games app access your Xbox information. Click Accept to continue.
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  10. A new Epic Games window will appear, asking if you have an Epic Games account to connect.
    Note: If you are a child and your parent hasn't helped you set up your account, you may have a Cabined Account with different features. Learn more about Cabined Accounts.


  12. Fill in all of the required information to create a new Epic Games account. Make sure that the email address you enter is not already in use with another account, otherwise you will not be able to continue.

  13. Read the terms and conditions and check the box next to I have read and agree to the terms of service

  14. Click CONTINUE

  15. A verification code will be sent to the email address you provided. Enter this code in the designated field and click VERIFY EMAIL. This will automatically set your two-factor authentication (2FA) method to email to help protect your account.

  16. After completing these steps, your Xbox and Epic Games accounts will be successfully connected. You will be able to sign in to the website using the email address and password you set up and with your Xbox account details.

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