How do I change the console account I have connected to my Epic Games account?

If you accidentally connected the wrong console account (Nintendo Switch, Xbox, PlayStation) to your Epic Games account, or if you are just looking to change the console account connected to your Epic Games account, follow the steps below:

  1. Before you begin, make sure you have the following:
    • A computer or mobile device with an internet connection.
  2. Open a browser (in incognito mode if possible) on your computer or mobile device and go to (Opens in a new tab)

  3. On the top-right of the site, click the Sign in button
    Note: If you do not see a Sign in button, click the avatar at the top of the screen and click Sign Out to ensure you are not signed into the wrong account. Once signed out, click the Sign in button.

  4. Login with the Epic Games account that you used for the linking of the console

  5. Once logged in, click your avatar and select Account from the list that appears

  6. On the left panel of the Account screen, click APPS & ACCOUNTS

  7. Locate the account you want to remove and click REMOVE (For this example, we will be removing a Nintendo account)

  8. It will show a warning that if you unlink the Nintendo account, you will no longer be able to access the information stored on that Epic Games account (skins, progress, etc)

  9. Make sure every checkbox is checked and click REMOVE ACCOUNT

  10. Once the process finishes, you will see a message that the account was unlinked

  11. When we link an account to an Epic Games account, this will create a restriction and you can only link the same Nintendo account to that Epic Games account. In order to link another Nintendo account we will need to remove the restriction.

    1. Click Here to start the restriction removal process

    2. You will see the current external accounts that you have linked to your Epic Games account.

    3. Click on send a code

    4. You will receive the code in your email (make sure to check your spam folders). Once you find it, enter the code on the screen and then click the REMOVE THE PLAYSTATION NETWORK RESTRICTION, REMOVE THE NINTENDO SWITCH RESTRICTION, or REMOVE THE XBOX RESTRICTION button depending on the console.

    5. You will see a message that the restriction removal was a success
      Note: Once you complete a restriction removal, you must wait 365 days before you can attempt a restriction removal again.

  12. Go back to your console and open the game.

  13. You can now start the linking process again to link the correct console account:

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