How to change the email on your Epic Games account

If you are a child and your parent hasn't helped you set up your account, you may have a Cabined Account with different features. Visit this page if you think you might have a Cabined Account to learn more.

If you can access the current email on your Epic Games account

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Epic Games account and then go to the Account portal.

  2. In the Account Settings section, click the Edit button to the right of your email address.

  3. In the pop-up window, enter your new email address and then click CONFIRM.

    Note: You must enter an email address that's not in use on another Epic Games account.

    When you click Continue, an automated email with a security code is sent to the current email on the account, and an Enter Security Code window will appear. Don't close this window.

  4. In the current email on your Epic Games account, find the email with the security code, and enter the code into the pop-up window.
    Note: The email title will be “Your Security Code.” If you can’t find this email, check your spam folders.

  5. Click CONTINUE.
    An automated email with a verification link is sent to the new email address on the account, and a Please Verify Your Email Address pop-up window will appear.

  1. In your new email inbox, find the verification email and click VERIFY YOUR EMAIL.
    Note: The email title will be “Please Confirm Your Email Address.” If you can’t find this email, check your spam folders.

  2. You’ll receive a confirmation on your new email. You successfully changed your email!

If you cannot access the current email on your Epic Games account

To start the email change process follow the instructions in How can I recover access to my Epic account?

If you don't remember the current email address on your Epic Games account

For account security reasons, we can’t just tell you the email address on your account, but if you can log in using a connected account, here are some ideas to help you remember:

  • Go to the Account portal and look at the email in the ACCOUNT INFO section. You’ll be able to see the first and last characters and the domain of the email address connected to your account.

  • If you remember your account password, you can reset your password in the PASSWORD & SECURITY section of the account portal. This will send a confirmation email to the current email address on the account.

If neither of these options help, and you still can’t remember the email address on your Epic Games account, click CONTACT US to open a ticket with Player Support.

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