IS-BV02: File Missing or Invalid
This error is caused when your computer is unable to locate a file or the file is invalid.
Perform hard drive test
Hard drives sometimes have errors that can be resolved by checking them using CHKDSK. To check your hard drive, please complete these steps:
- Click Start.
- Type cmd.
- Right-click Command Prompt and then click Run as Administrator.
Type chkdsk c: /r /f and press
Note: You can run this command for any hard drive by replacing c: with d:, e:, etc. - Press Y and then Enter to allow your hard drive to be checked when you restart your computer.
- Restart your computer.
Please note that you only need to restart if you chkdsk the hard drive your operating system is running on. This process may take some time to complete. If you receive any errors, it should repair these during the process. Once this is complete, try to install your game again.
Perform memory test
This error is a sign that you may have a bad RAM in your computer. You should perform a memory test within Windows to determine if you need to replace your memory.
- Click on Start.
- Type Windows Memory Diagnostic and press Enter.
- Select Restart Now and check for problems.
- If any errors are found you’ll need to replace your memory and try installing your game again afterwards.