How do I gather logs for Epic Games Launcher?
To understand technical issues, we will need log files to help find the best solution. Log files are files created by your system or the game. These files can help show what the exact issue is and how to best fix it.
Please be sure to gather these logs immediately after a crash occurs. This will ensure that the error messages are included in the logs.
DxDiag (DirectX Diagnostic) is a tool that comes with Windows. It shows technical info about the software on your computer. Epic Support uses this to help fix technical issues. Use the steps below to generate a DxDiag:
- Hold the Windows key on your keyboard.
- Tap the R key to open the Run window.
- In the pop-up window, type: dxdiag
- Press the Enter key
The DirectX Diagnostic Tool will load.
If there is a pop-up window asking about digital driver signing; click Yes to proceed. - Click the Save all information button
- Click the Save button
The file should be saved to your desktop as dxdiag.txt - Click the Exit button
Please attach the dxdiag.txt file on your desktop to the Support Ticket.
Please do not ZIP or RAR your files, we cannot accept these file types.
If you are using a Mac, please visit the Apple System Information User Guide site. This page will explain how to view the Mac system info. Please take a screenshot and include the image in your Support Ticket.
Msinfo (Microsoft System Information) is a tool that comes with Windows. It’s a file that shows info about the hardware on your computer. Epic Support uses this to help fix technical issues.
- Press and hold down the Windows key.
- Press the R key.
- In the search field type msinfo32
- Press the Enter button
- In the upper left corner of the new window, click on File
- Select Save
- In the left-hand column, click Desktop
- In the File Name field, type msinfo
- Click the Save button
This will save a file named msinfo to your desktop. Please attach this file to your Support Ticket.
Please do not ZIP or RAR your files, we cannot accept these file types.
Epic Games Launcher Logs
To generate Epic Games Launcher logs:
- Open the Epic Games Launcher
- In the upper right corner click the Account Icon
Typically this icon is the first letter of your username - Select Settings
- check the Enable Debug Logging box
A pop-up will appear - Click the Enable Now button
- Reproduce the issue you’re experiencing
- Return to Settings in the Epic Games Store Launcher (steps 1-3)
- Select Show Logs
- Drag the Epic Games Launcher logs into your email
- Return to Settings in the Epic Games Store Launcher
- Uncheck the Enable Debug Logging box
Please do not ZIP or RAR your files, we cannot accept these file types.
If you cannot open Epic Games Launcher do the following:
- Right-Click on the Epic Games Launcher desktop shortcut.
- Select Properties.
- Select the Shortcut tab.
- Type the following to the end of the file path in the target field: -debuglogging
Make sure there is a space between the original text and -debuglogging - Click Apply.
- Launch Epic Games Launcher by double-clicking your desktop shortcut.
- Reproduce the problem by opening the launcher, then close it once the problem occurs.
- After exiting the launcher, do steps 1 to 3 again, then remove the -debuglogging command from the target field.
- Navigate to your log files. They should be in the following location: C:\Users\[YourUserNameHere]\AppData\Local\EpicGamesLauncher\Saved\Logs
Note: The AppData folder is hidden by default. If you are unable to see it, please use this Microsoft support article: View hidden files and folders in Windows.
Epic Games Installer Debug Logs
To gather the debug logs on a PC:
- Right-Click on the Epic Games Launcher desktop shortcut.
- Select Properties.
- Select the Shortcut tab.
- in the target field, at the end of the file path, add -debuglogging
Make sure there is a space between the file path and the dash. - Click the Apply button.
- Open the launcher by double-clicking on the Epic Games Launcher desktop shortcut.
- Reproduce your issue, then close the launcher.
- After you have closed the launcher, remove the -debuglogging command from the target field (step 1 through 5, but erase -debuglogging at the end of the field).
- Navigate to your log files. They should be in the following location: C:\Users\[YourUserNameHere]\AppData\Local\EpicGamesLauncher\Saved\Logs
- The AppData folder is hidden by default. If you are unable to see it, please visit this Microsoft help site: View hidden files and folders in Windows.
- Once you have your logs generated attach them to your support ticket.
Please do not ZIP or RAR your files, we cannot accept these file types.
To gather the debug logs on a Mac:
- Open a terminal
- Enter the following line: open /Applications/Epic\ Games\ --args -debuglogging
This will start the launcher. Allow it to run normally until your issue has been reproduced. - Once you have reproduced the issue, close the launcher.
- In your terminal, enter the following line: open /Users/[YourUserNameHere]/Library/Logs/Unreal\ Engine/EpicGamesLauncher
- In the resulting window, right click on the EpicGamesLauncher folder and choose Compress "EpicGamesLauncher"
- Once you have your logs generated attach them to your support ticket.
Please do not ZIP or RAR your files, we cannot accept these file types.