Why do download file sizes seem larger than normal, especially after an update in Epic Games Launcher?
File sizes might be misreported when there is a communications error in your connection. Try the following to clear it up.
Verify the files:
Verifying the integrity of your game files will check the files on your computer to ensure they are not damaged or corrupted. If some files are different, they'll be changed or repaired. Your saved data will not be affected.
To verify game files on the Epic Game Launcher:
- Open the Epic Games Launcher.
- Find the game in your Epic Games Library.
- Click the three dots on the right side of the game line.
- Select Manage.
- Click the Verify button.
- Wait for validation to complete.
It may take a while to verify all your files.
Clear the Epic Games Launcher cache:
The cache files contain information about previous uses of the launcher. Deleting these files, then letting the Launcher rebuild them again can sometimes fix issues like this.
On PC:
- In the lower right corner click on the arrow pointing up (the chevron)
- Right-click on the Epic icon in the pop up window
- Select Exit
- Press the Windows key and tap the R key, this will open a run window
- Type %localappdata%
- Press the Enter key, this will open File Explorer
- Open the EpicGamesLauncher folder
- Open the Saved folder
- Right click and select delete on:
- webcache
- webcache_4147
- webcache_4430
There may only be one or two of the files present
On Mac:
- Exit the Epic Games Launcher.
- Open Finder.
- Click on Go then Go to Folder...
- Type "~/Library/Caches/com.epicgames.EpicGamesLauncher" and press Enter.
- Drag the webcache folder to the Trash.
- Press control and click on Trash.
- Click on Empty Trash.
- Relaunch the Epic Games Launcher.