How to Add Friends to your Epic Account
To add friends to your Epic Account:
- Open the Epic Launcher
- Look to the top right corner of the screen and click on the icon with the double silhouette. This will display your Friends' List
- When the section expands, click on the middle silhouette with the plus sign to open the ADD FRIENDS section
- Next, in the search box, enter the Epic Games Display Name of the player you want to add as a friend
- Note: You can use partial words to help find the name you’re looking for (e.g. type “Epic” and the name “Epic Games” will appear in your results)
- When you’ve located the correct name from the results, click on it. A second window will appear with a brief profile for the player. Choose “ADD EPIC FRIEND” to send the friend request.
- Note: You can add up to 1,000 friends to your Epic Account. For more information, visit My Epic Games friends list has been capped (Opens in a new tab)
To add friends from your Steam Account or other social accounts, visit How do I add my friends from my Steam account to my Epic Games account? (Opens in a new tab)