What is the Battle Pass? Where can I learn more?

The best place to learn about the Battle Pass is in-game by selecting Battle Pass:

How to purchase the Battle Pass

In Fortnite: Battle Royale, click the BATTLE PASS tab at the top of the screen and then click GET THE BATTLE PASS.

Choose the Battle Pass and then confirm the purchase.



When you purchase the Battle Pass, you can earn various rewards by leveling up your Battle Pass. In Chapter 2 Season 7, we introduced an updated Battle Pass mechanic: instead of receiving 1 reward per level as in previous seasons, you now earn Battle Stars which can be used to claim the rewards from the available Pages (10 pages total). Players must acquire, claim enough rewards, or reach the corresponding Battle Pass level to access the later Battle Pass Pages.

Rewards from a Battle Pass can only be earned in that season, and will not be available in later seasons.

The PREREQUISITE tag on some of the rewards means that you must first claim all other rewards on that particular page to claim this reward.

The REQUIRES BASE ITEM tag means that it's a style variant and in order to unlock it you need to obtain the main outfit first.

Note: You can level up the Battle Pass over level 100 if you purchase it but there are no rewards for any levels above 100. If you do not purchase the Battle Pass, you can not level over 100.



Level up the Battle Pass

You can level up your Battle Pass in a few ways:

  • Gaining experience (XP) through earning medals during a match
  • Completing challenges
  • Leveling up your season level
  • And other in-game actions

You can purchase levels by following these steps:

Note: Each level costs 150 V-Bucks.

  • Click the Battle Pass tab at the top of the screen.
  • Click the Battle Pass level to be purchased up to.
  • Click the Purchase # Rewards.
    • Note: This will take you to a new screen where you can adjust the number of rewards you wish to purchase.
  • Click and hold Purchase to complete the purchase.
    • Note: If you do not have enough V-Bucks, the purchase button will state Get V-bucks, and you will have a chance to purchase more V-Bucks.

Note: No levels can be purchased after level 200. You can purchase up to 100 battle pass levels every season.

You can only earn Battle Stars for the first 200 levels in the season.

Any unspent Battle Stars will automatically be exchanged for unclaimed rewards at the end of the season.

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