ESP-BUIMET-003 error when playing Fortnite on PC

This error tends to be related to connection issues.

To resolve this, we suggest deleting the BuildInfo.ini file by following these steps:

  1. From your desktop, click the hidden icons carrot in the lower right corner of the screen
  2. Right-click the Epic Games Launcher icon and then click Exit.
  3. Open the directory where Fortnite is installed
    Typically, it's at: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite
  4. Right-click: BuildInfo.ini
    Note: If you do not see the BuildInfo.ini file in the Fortnite folder, it may be in the Cloud folder under the Fortnite folder.
  5. Select Delete.
  6. Right-click the Epic Games desktop shortcut.
  7. Select Launch as Administrator.
  8. Select Library.
  9. Click on the ... next to Fortnite.
  10. Select Manage.
  11. Select Verify Files. This may take a while.
  12. Try launching Fortnite again.

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