Fortnite shows running in Epic Games launcher and it is not opening

If Fortnite appears to be running on your PC but is not opening on your screen and you're not receiving an error code, try these troubleshooting steps.

  1. Verify your game files: How do I verify game files in the Epic Games Launcher?
  2. Repair EasyAntiCheat:
    1. Locate the Epic Games installation folder path by opening the Start menu and searching for "Epic Games"
    2. Hover your mouse over the Epic Games launcher app, then right-click and select Open file location. This will open a Windows Explorer window.
    3. Right-click the Epic Games Launcher again and click Properties. Under the target, copy and paste the installation folder path
    4. Under This PC on the Windows Explorer window, choose the local drive found on the first letter of the target folder.
      Example: (X:)> Epic Games > Fortnite> FortniteGame>Binaries> Win64
    5. Once you are on the correct local disk, copy and paste the installation path on the address bar from the Windows Explorer window and press Enter
    6. In the win64 folder, look for the EasyAnticheat folder, and then open EasyAntiCheat Setup
    7. It will show EasyAntiCheat setup> Select current game then click Repair Service
    8. Run and play the game.
  3. Add the folder to exclusion list
    1. Open the Windows security app on your PC
    2. Click Virus and threat protection
    3. Under Virus threat protection settings, click Manage settings
    4. Under the Exclusion tab, click Add or remove exclusions
    5. Press the + button and choose folder.
    6. Look for the Epic Games folder and locate Fortnite. Select Fortnite and click Select Folder. It will add Fortnite to the exclusion list.
    7. Run and play the game.

    If these steps don't solve the issue, try re-installing Easy Anti-Cheat or following our other troubleshooting steps:

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