How can I change my Fortnite controls on PC or console?
To find your control defaults in-game, follow the steps below.
- In game, select the menu icon. If you’re already in a match, you can:
- On PC/Mac, press Esc.
- On Playstation, press the Options button.
- On XBox, press the Menu button.
- On Switch, press the + button.
- Click on the gear icon. This will open the settings menu.
- Select the Tab related to how you are playing the game.
- For mouse and keyboard select the arrow keys icon.
- If you’re using a controller select the gamepad icon.
- For mouse and keyboard select the arrow keys icon.
- NOTICE FOR PC: You can select the controller you are using in a box labeled “Controller Configuration
- NOTICE FOR SWITCH: There is no option for keyboard in the settings tabs.