Your accounts must be entitled in order to start private matches. Please be aware that the maximum number of players who can join a game is 100. If there are more than 100 players entering a match key at once, the game will randomly select 100 players who entered the key; this is completely random and not based on the order when a key was entered.
How to start a private match
- In the lobby, select the game mode you want to play.
- In settings, make sure you’re in the same server region as your participants.
Note: You’ll receive an error message if you’re in the wrong server region or game mode, and you won’t be able to start a match.
- Scroll down in the game mode selection screen until the Custom Key button appears in the bottom right. Click Custom Key.
- Create a Custom Matchmaking Key that you want to give to your participants.
Note:- You can’t use special characters.
- You must use between 4 and 16 characters. You’ll receive an error message if the key is too long, and the game will not create a private match.
- If you’re streaming, please hide your key to prevent unwanted guests from joining the game.
- Click Accept.
- Click Play and wait for other players to join using your key.
Note: All players should be ready to join the match with the key, as soon as the key is given to them. If they try to join after the match has started, they will receive an error message. - Click Start Match to start the game manually at any time.
How to join a game
- In settings, make sure you’re in the same server region as the host.
Note: You’ll receive an error message if you’re in the wrong server region, and you won’t be able to join a game. - Click Change to bring up the menu and select the game mode.
- Select Custom Matchmaking Key and enter the key you received from your host.
Note: Match keys are case sensitive. - Click Accept.
Note: If you try to join after the match started, you’ll receive an error message. If you’re immediately kicked after joining, your host’s match may already have reached the 100-player maximum capacity. - Click Play and wait for the match to start.