What are some key things to know for Shadow Complex?
This help article contains information about the different enemy types, bosses, equipment, and some other helpful tips and tricks for Shadow Complex.
Basic Equipment
- The first item gained in the game
- Used to reveal which item is needed to move past an obstacle
- You reveal which item: shine light on the obstacle
Climbing Gear
- Acquired shortly after Flashlight
- You are unable to skip or continue without this item
- Allows character to wall jump and ledge grab
- To perform a ledge grab, jump near any ledge. While hanging from the ledge you can use A or Left Stick Up to climb up.
- You can jump higher by holding down A (jump) and farther by holding down X (sprint) to run while jumping.
Special Weapons
- Explosive weapons that can be used to manipulate/destroy any obstacles that glow green.
- It can be used to deal more damage to enemies than firearms.
- Acquired as you are chasing Claire's captors, before the first Spider Tank fight.
- You are unable to skip or continue without this item
- Each Grenade Pack that you pick up will increase the maximum number of Grenades that you are carrying.
- Players are able to carry only 6 when this item is initially acquired
- If a player reaches level 40, they gain an infinite supply of grenades* (*players also gain infinite supply of special weapon ammunition after finding all designated packs)
- Foam is used to freeze enemies, some platforms and some elevators in place.
- Foam is also used to manipulate/destroy any obstacles that glow purple.
- The Foam gun attachment is acquired, while searching for the Armor, in the Piston Puzzle room.
- Foam can be used to create a platform across a large gap
- Each Foam Pack that you pick up will increase the maximum number of Foam shots that you are carrying.
- Foam can be used to stick grenades to a surface
- Initially, players will only have 4 foam shots
- At level 30, players will have an infinite supply of foam* (*only 30 shots can be used at a time)
- Explosive weapons that can be used to manipulate/destroy any obstacles that glow red.
- Can be used to deal more damage than grenades
- The missiles are acquired after Claire is taken again and you are chasing her down
- Missiles deal the most damage in the game (besides the friction dampener) and will be needed to get to a majority of the Armor Pieces.
- Each Missile Pack that you pick up will increase the maximum number of Missiles that you are carrying.
- Players will only be able to carry 6 missiles initially
- At level 50, players will have an infinite supply of missiles.
- The WSP40 Pistol is a semi-automatic handgun and the first gun you get in the game.
- The Pistol has a mounted flashlight and laser sight.
- The WSP40 Pistol is acquired while tracking Claire to the Interrogation Room.
- All guns in the game are used to manipulate/destroy objects that glow orange. They are also your primary source of damage to enemies.
- All guns in the game have unlimited ammo but a limited clip size. You can reload at any time.
- The WSP40 Pistol has a clip size of 10.
WSMP50 Compact
- The WSMP50 Compact is a sub-machine gun and the second gun you get in the game.
- The MP50 has a grenade launcher, a mounted flashlight and laser sight.
- The WSMP50 is acquired while making your way to Mr. Sweet's Lab to save Claire.
- All guns in the game are used to manipulate/destroy objects that glow orange. They are also your primary source of damage to enemies.
- All guns in the game have unlimited ammo but a limited clip size. You can reload at any time.
- The WSMP50 has a clip size of 15.
WSM400A1 Carbine
- The WSM400A1 Carbine is a fully automatic assault rifle and the third gun you get in the game.
- The M400A1 has a grenade launcher, a mounted flashlight and laser sight.
- The WSM400A1 is acquired after making your way through the barracks.
- All guns in the game are used to manipulate/destroy objects that glow orange. They are also your primary source of damage to enemies.
- All guns in the game have unlimited ammo but a limited clip size. You can reload at any time.
- The WSM400A1 has a clip size of 30.
WSAR60 Coil Rifle
- The WSAR60 Coil Rifle is an electromagnetic projectile accelerator and the fourth gun you get in the game.
- The AR60 has a rocket-propelled grenade launcher, a mounted flashlight and laser sight.
- The WSAR60 is acquired on your way back to Claire after getting the Armor and Friction Dampener.
- All guns in the game are used to manipulate/destroy objects that glow orange. They are also your primary source of damage to enemies.
- All guns in the game have unlimited ammo but a limited clip size. You can reload at any time.
- WSAR60 Coil Rifle has a clip size of 40.
CLD Thurst Pack
- The CLD Thrust Pack is the "jetpack" portion of the Omega Armor and is the first piece of the Armor you acquire.
- The CLD Thrust Pack is acquired when you find the High Security lab after saving Claire.
- The CLD Thrust Pack allows your character to "double jump".
- Once acquired you can press A to jump and then press A again to jump higher.
Fusion Armor
- The Fusion Body Armor is a light body armor and is found with the CLD Thrust Pack
- The Fusion Body Armor is acquired when you find the High Security lab after saving Claire.
- The Fusion Body Armor decreases damage taken by 10%.
- Finding more of the Armor pickups will increase your armor's effectiveness.
- The SCHCA Mask is a scuba/rebreather mask and is the second piece of the armor that you acquire.
- The SCHCA Mask is acquired while tracking down the Omega Armor after it moves.
- The SCHCA Mask allows your character to breathe underwater.
Omega Armor XOS-7
- The Omega Armor XOS-7 is the full body suit and biggest piece of the "full armor".
- Decreases damage taken by 30%.
- Players can permanently increase armor effectiveness by finding Armor upgrades.
- With the Armor, players gain a new melee ability. While jumping and pressing the left trigger, the player will do a ground smash.
- The armor is acquired
Friction Dampener
- The Friction Dampener enables hyperspeed. To trigger players must run for five seconds without losing momentum and holding X.
- The Friction Dampener is used to manipulate/destroy objects that glow Blue.
Hook (shot)
- The Hook (shot) allows players to be pulled to and hang from ceilings and platforms.
- It can also be used to pull the shields away from Heavy gunners.
- Is manually selected, like the missiles, foam, and grenades.
Thrust Boots
- Enables players to double boost jump (triple jump).
- Players perform a regular boost jump by pressing A to jump and then pressing A again while in the air. Pressing the A button again while in the air performs a double boost jump (triple jump).
- Players can also use the Thrust Boots to boost underwater by pressing A.
- A necessity to explore areas high up and out of reach in and around the Shadow Complex.
Inertial Element
- Behaves in the same way a shotgun would.
- Final Weapon found in the game.
- Holds 15 shots.
Fusion Helmet
- Gained after obtaining all 12 passkeys.
- Grants player invulnerability when standing still or walking slowly (signified by glowing effect).
- Final Suit Component.
Enemies and Bosses
Foot soldier
- Basic enemy type
Alternate Soldier*
- Basic enemy type, colored red and black/ there is also a form that wears a long white and black lab coat hybrid.
Heavy Gun Soldier
- More durable than basic soldier type
Heavy Shield Soldier
- Uses rocket launcher as weapon of choice.
- Shield can be taken away using the Hook(shot).
- Also throws grenades.
Hook (shot) Soldier
- Uses grenades and Carbine in addition to Hook (shot).
Robot Sentry - Yellow
- Can be found crawling through the Shadow Complex
- Can be used as an explosive against enemy soldiers.
- Pressing B while next to sentry will kick the robot and caused it to be used as an explosive.
- Does not attack player, but touching them (while not frozen with Foam) will cause the player to take damage.
- Can be damaged with Firearms or explosives.
Robot Sentry - Red
- Can be found crawling throughout the Shadow Complex
- Can be used as an explosive against enemy soldiers. Pressing B while next to sentry will kick the robot and cause it to be used as an explosive.
- Does not attack player, but touching them (while not frozen with Foam) will cause the player to take damage
- Can be damaged with Firearms or explosives
Wall hanging Sentries
- Can be frozen in place using Foam and used as a ledge to gain access to different areas.
- Does not attack player, but touching them (while not frozen with Foam) will cause the player to take damage.
- Can not be damaged by firearm.
Underwater Sentries
- Can be found in many waterway areas located in the Shadow Complex
- Does not attack player, but touching them (while not frozen with Foam) will cause the player to take damage.
- Can be damaged by firearms and projectiles.
Foam Sentry
- Found later on in the exploration of the Shadow Complex.
- Shoots players with foam, which freezes them in place. To break free, players must tap the B button.
- Can be damaged by firearms and projectiles.
- Can be used as an explosive against enemy soldiers.Pressing B while next to sentry will kick the robot and cause it to be used as an explosive.
Energy blast sentry
- Found later on in the game.
- Robot Sentry shoots energy blast at players.
- Can be damaged by firearms or explosives.
- Can be damaged with Firearms or explosives.
- Can be frozen with Foam.
WSA2 Tarantula IFV
- First Boss encountered in game.
- Is weak to Grenades thrown under it. Firearms do little damage (in the beginning, using the pistol).
- Encountered during the first attempt to rescue Claire.
- Weak against explosives.
WSA1 Walker
- Can be defeated by using the foam to freeze it in it from underneath with rockets.
- Shoots foam canisters from the rear that freeze player in place.
- Uses powerful stomp attacks and front gun attacks.
- Large suit of armor piloted by enemy soldiers.
- They use shock blasts (which can be repelled by gunfire) and use a powerful smash move.
- Can be defeated by gunfire and explosives.
AP4 Saw
- Can be defeated by shooting the exposed tread with either missiles or firearm.
- Moves in a circular pattern during encounter.
- Final boss.
- Can only be damaged using nuclear missiles.
- To defeat the Airship, players will have to ready the nuclear warheads and then target the airship.
Throughout the complex you will find canisters that, once obtained, will upgrade your items.
Different types of health packs (canisters):
- Health Upgrade
- Armor upgrade
There are a few ways to upgrade your ammo amounts:
- leveling up (level 30 - Unlimited Foam, 40 - Unlimited Grenades, & 50 - Unlimited Missiles)
- finding upgrade canisters (packs) throughout the complex.
Different types of ammunition canisters
- Grenade
- Foam
- Missile
General Information
Different obstacles require certain weapons or equipment to access. Which item you use will be determined by the color.
Color guide:
GREEN - Grenades
- Usually represented by rocks, as well as some hinges and hatches.
ORANGE - Firearms
- Usually represented by vents and some hatches.
Blue - Friction Dampener
- Usually represented by boxes or large obstacles, i.e. large canisters.
Purple - Foam
- Usually represented by ventilation fans, moving platforms, biometric doors and other machinery found throughout the Complex.
Red - Missiles
- Usually represented by hatches, Heavy Vault Doors, underwater fences.
Need more specific help?
There are several online walkthroughs for the game currently available. You might try:
http://www.ign.com/wikis/shadow-complex/Walkthrough (Opens in a new tab)
http://www.gamefaqs.com/xbox360/960508-shadow-complex/faqs (Opens in a new tab)
http://www.gamesradar.com/shadow-complex-100-guide/ (Opens in a new tab)
We have also added some new hidden achievements for the Remastered version.