Where can I find my local game saves?
If you would like to make a copy of a local save game:
- Navigate to %localappdata%\EpicGamesLauncher\Saved\Saves\[EpicAccountID]\[Yourgamefolder]
Note: To find your Epic Account ID check out this article: What is an Epic Account ID and where can I find it?
Some games may have their save files stored in a different folder. These are some common locations where game saves might be found:
- %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games
- %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow
- %USERPROFILE%\Documents
- <Ubisoft-Connect-folder>\savegames\<user-id>\
- %APPDATA%\Ubisoft
- %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games
For games with Cloud Saves, you can check out the following articles for more info:
How to check if a game on the Epic Games Store supports cloud savesEnable Cloud Saves in the Epic Games Launcher
How do I handle Cloud Save conflicts in the Epic Games Launcher?