Getting Started with Early Career Resources
General Resume Tips
Standout resumes exhibit a clear focus, clean layout, and are easy to scan quickly. The key is to make the most relevant information pop out of the page in just a few seconds. Too much information or clutter can work against you.
Most resumes can capture the right information within one page, but this isn't a hard rule. Just make sure that anything you include on your resume has a reason to be there. There is rarely a need for a resume beyond 2 pages.
Most resumes can capture the right information within one page, but this isn't a hard rule. Just make sure that anything you include on your resume has a reason to be there. There is rarely a need for a resume beyond 2 pages.

Courtesy of REWIND and HBO
Portfolio and Work Samples
- Digital portfolio links should be easy to find on a resume. Direct us to your best and strongest work with minimal clicks. Once there, the hiring team should not need to spend much time hunting for the work. Help us get there as quickly as possible to make an impact.
- Show only your best work. Your content should be complete, polished, and bug-free. Bad stuff hides the good stuff, so if your work varies in skill level and quality, you’ll always be judged on the weakest/incomplete project. Even if you only have one completed character/level/project plan we recommend showcasing that over a mix of incomplete projects that aren’t consistent or don’t bring a wow factor.
- Clarify your contributions when showcasing the work. What tools/software did you use? Was it a solo or group project? If a group, how many people and in what timeframe? With the group projects, be sure to specify your particular involvement in the effort, and the final outcome/result.
- Do not feel compelled to build a website from scratch for portfolios. There are many free or inexpensive sites available for you to showcase your work. And many also have a network of professionals that you can join. Remember, with portfolios simplicity is best. Get there quickly and show us the work you're most proud of.

Cover image courtesy of Michael Wallace
Prioritize Content
Lead with the most impactful experience. It’s best to prioritize any real-world jobs, industry work or internships, independent and group projects/game jams or competitions, and any competitive projects that were required in school. It’s ok to highlight your education or courses you’ve taken if it’s relevant and you are lacking industry experience, but remember to always give priority to real-world work as that will be more impactful.
Highlight your accomplishments, not just a laundry list of responsibilities. For example, what were the outcomes or impact of what you did? This helps hiring managers understand not only what you did, but how well you did it.
Be truthful. With resumes and portfolios alike, only list the skills that you are proficient in. If you specify familiarity with a core competency, language, or technology and you are not confident using it in a work environment, we will eventually uncover this in the interview.
Tailor your resume to demonstrate your practice and familiarity with the technologies specified in the job description; one size does not fit all, and it’s common to have multiple versions of your resume depending on the company, team, and position you are applying to. Just remember to keep it clean, focused, and concise.
Cover letters are optional at Epic. If you choose to write one, a best practice is to tailor the message uniquely to the company and position you are applying for, and say something beyond a simple repeat of the same information from your resume. Avoid blanket templates that copy/paste the company names, as those will appear less genuine. But in most instances you can skip the cover letter entirely, and focus your energy on producing the best possible resume for the position you are applying for.
Highlight your accomplishments, not just a laundry list of responsibilities. For example, what were the outcomes or impact of what you did? This helps hiring managers understand not only what you did, but how well you did it.
Be truthful. With resumes and portfolios alike, only list the skills that you are proficient in. If you specify familiarity with a core competency, language, or technology and you are not confident using it in a work environment, we will eventually uncover this in the interview.
Tailor your resume to demonstrate your practice and familiarity with the technologies specified in the job description; one size does not fit all, and it’s common to have multiple versions of your resume depending on the company, team, and position you are applying to. Just remember to keep it clean, focused, and concise.
Cover letters are optional at Epic. If you choose to write one, a best practice is to tailor the message uniquely to the company and position you are applying for, and say something beyond a simple repeat of the same information from your resume. Avoid blanket templates that copy/paste the company names, as those will appear less genuine. But in most instances you can skip the cover letter entirely, and focus your energy on producing the best possible resume for the position you are applying for.