How do I link my LEGO account to my Epic Games account?

If you are located in Bahrain, Brazil, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, or Qatar, and you are experiencing issues when linking between your LEGO account and your Epic account, please follow the steps below to link your accounts. If you follow any steps other than those below, you may experience errors.

  1. Make sure you have the following before proceeding:
    • The login information for the Lego account you would like to connect to your Epic Games account

    • The login information for the Epic Games account you are looking to connect to your Lego account.

    • A computer or mobile device with an internet connection
  2. Make sure you are following the correct process. If you currently have a different Lego account linked to your Epic Games account and you want to connect a different Lego account, please follow the steps in How do I change the external account I have linked to my Epic Games account?

  3. Open a browser (in incognito mode if possible) on your computer or mobile device and navigate to

  4. On the top right of the site, click the Sign in button
    If you do not see a Sign in button, click the avatar at the top of the screen and click Sign Out. This will ensure you are not logged in to the incorrect account. Once logged out, click the Sign in button.

  5. Once you have logged into your Epic Games account, click on your display name all the way to the top-right corner and click Account

  6. The Account Settings page will open

  7. On the left panel of the Account screen, click APPS & ACCOUNTS

    NOTE: If you are a child and your parent hasn't helped you set up your account, you may have a Cabined Account with different features. Visit this page if you think you might have a Cabined Account to learn more.

  8. Make sure you click the ACCOUNTS tab as it will show you a list of all the accounts that can be connected to your Epic Games account

  9. Click on Connect under the Lego Account

  10. A prompt will appear with a disclaimer asking if you are sure you want to link your Lego account to this current Epic Games account


  12. On the page that appears, enter your Country or region and your birth year, then select Continue at the bottom of the page

  13. You will be asked to enter your Lego credentials. First, enter your Lego display name (this can be an email you used to sign up for your Lego account) and select Continue

  14. You will be asked for your Lego account password next. Enter it and select Sign in
  15. You will be asked to enter the verification code that was sent to your Lego account email. Open your email to locate the code and copy it into the required field
  16. You will be asked to accept that your Lego account and Epic account share information. Click on the Allow blue button and this will complete the linking process

  17. If done successfully, you will receive confirmation of the accounts being linked together. Select Continue to finish the process.

If you accidentally linked the wrong Epic Games account, or the wrong Lego account, please follow the steps in How do I change the external account I have linked to my Epic Games account?

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