"It is not possible to launch 2k launcher without permission from Epic Games" Error
Sometimes when attempting to launch a game that requires access from the 2k launcher, you may encounter this error message, “It is not possible to launch 2k Launcher without permission from Epic Games. Please close this window and launch the game from the Epic Games Launcher”. This may indicate that you do not have the necessary permission on the Epic Games Launcher to initialize the game you are trying to play. There are a few steps you can try to mitigate this issue:
Run the Epic Games Launcher as admin
This will ensure you have permission to install games to protected folders on your computer. Follow these steps to run the Launcher as an administrator:
- Right-click your Epic Games Launcher shortcut.
- Click Run as Administrator.
Disable Epic Games Launcher and 2k launcher from running on the back
Make sure that you are not running the Epic Games Launcher nor the 2k launcher as background apps, as they could be causing the error displayed. To do that, first:
- Go to Task Manager (by clicking on CTRL + SHIFT + ESC).
- In the Applications, right-click on EpicGamesLauncher, and select Kill task. Do the same for 2KLauncher.
- Scroll down to the background apps, and make sure there is no program related to epicgames or 2k running. If there is, make sure to kill task.
- There should be no more programs or applications related to Epic Games or 2K running on the background now.
Confirm you have read/write access to the folder
Navigate to your selected install location.
- Navigate to your selected install location.
- For 64 bit Operating systems, by default this is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\Launcher\Portal\Binaries\Win32
- For 32 bit Operating systems, by default this is located in C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Launcher\Portal\Binaries\Win32
- Right-click and select Properties.
- Select the Security tab.
- Select your username in the Group or user names box.
- Verify that there is a check under Allow beside both Read and Write in the Permissions box.
- If you do not see Read and Write checked in the Permissions box, click Edit on the bottom right.
- Check Allow on both Read and Write.
- Click Apply then OK.
Still having troubles?
If you continue to have troubles please check out this 2k Support article: [2K LAUNCHER] TROUBLESHOOTING