If you are experiencing issues launching the game and you see error LS-0013, there may be an issue with your Fall Guys directory administrative privileges. Please try the troubleshooting below:
- Navigate to Fall Guys executables by clicking the 3 dots from the game's location in the Epic Games Launcher, then click Manage and the folder icon next to Uninstall.
- For each of the following executable files, right-click on them and select Properties.
- EOSBootStrapper.exe
- FallGuys_client.exe
- FallGuysclientgame.exe
- FallGuysEACLauncher.exe
- Click on the Compatibility tab.
- Uncheck the box next to Run this program as an administrator.
- Click on Apply and relaunch Fall Guys.
If that doesn't work and you are still experiencing the issue, please try troubleshooting with this link. Just make sure to apply the changes to Fall Guys as the article was made for another game that experienced similar issues.
If you are having any issues completing this troubleshooting, please contact our Support, and we will be happy to assist.