Network Connectivity Issues
If you get an error code like the one shown below, there is an issue with your computer’s certificate authority settings. The Epic Games Store uses certificates issued by which relies on the ISRG Root X1 certificate to function. If your computer does not properly trust this root certificate you will encounter security errors like the one you are seeing.
Please try the following:
First, try to follow the steps in the article How to troubleshoot connection issues
Verify that your computer’s clock is set correctly. You can check your clock by going to If it’s off by more than a few seconds, we highly recommend letting windows automatically synchronize your clock in the time and date settings.
Apply all Windows updates
To check for updates, select Start > Settings > Windows Update , then select Check for updates. If updates are available, you can choose to install them.
Reach out to your computer manufacturer to fix your OS installation: Contacting your hardware manufacturer
More info can be found here: